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The Most Important Thing

by Kim Bellard, July 26, 2021

Jack Dorsey has some big hopes for bitcoin.  In a webinar last week, he said: “My hope is that it creates world peace or helps create world peace.”  The previous week Mr. Dorsey announced Square was starting a decentralized financial services (DeFi) business based on bitcoin, joining the previously announced Square bitcoin wallet.  

None of this should be a surprise.  At the Bitcoin 2021 conference in June, Mr. Dorsey said: “Bitcoin changes absolutely everything.  I don’t think there is anything more important in my lifetime to work on.”

I’m impressed that someone with as many accomplishments as Jack Dorsey picks something not obviously related to those accomplishments and decides it is the most important thing he could work on.  So, of course, I had to wonder: what might accomplished people in healthcare say was the most important thing they wanted to be working on?

For many these days, of course, it is the COVID-19 pandemic.For others, perhaps, it would be to address the extreme financial hardships the U.S. healthcare system can cause.  However, both the pandemic and financial obstacles contributed to, but did not cause, the big health inequities in the U.S. healthcare system.  Digital health has never been hotter. We may be in bit of a manic phase right now, but few doubt that digital health is going to be a big part of healthcare’s future. Then there’s artificial intelligence (A.I.).  No industry in 2021 can be ignoring it.

These, and other initiatives, are all important and I sure hope people are working on them.  However, I think about some other things that Mr. Dorsey discussed in the webinar.

We have all these monopolies off balance and the individual doesn’t have power and the amount of cost and distraction that comes from our monetary system today is real and it takes away attention from the bigger problems…You fix that foundational level and everything above it improves in such a dramatic way.

So, for me, the most interesting future for healthcare has to be synthetic biology, including biohacking.

Synthetic biology, in case, you didn’t know, is “redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities,” and biohacking is doing that to your own body, usually to optimize or improve its functioning. 

Observers seem to think that synthetic biology seems to draw an edgy, counter-cultural crowd.  It’s on the cutting edge, and it, too, is getting record funding.  Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said, at a 2019 synthetic biology conference: “What is changing the fastest right now? Because whatever that is determining the history of next year. There’s lot of evidence that biology is in that golden period right now.” 

When we start talking about “programming biology,” well, if that isn’t “weird as hell,” I don’t know what is.  That’s fun, and that’s the future.

The theme for me is to solve health issues at the source code level.  Fix things, as Mr. Dorsey said about bitcoin, “at the foundational level.”

Mike Brock, who will head up Square’s DeFi business, tweeted: “Technology has always been a story of decentralization. From the printing press, to the internet to bitcoin – technology has the power to distribute power to the masses and unleash human potential for good, and I’m convinced this is the next step.” 

I want the same for our health – use technology to decentralize, and to distribute power to the masses.  That offers the promise of taking control from the traditional healthcare structures – not relying on hospitals, health insurance companies, or even medical professionals. 

As Mr. Dorsey thinks about bitcoin, “I don’t think there is anything more enabling for people around the world.”

This post is an abridged version of the original posting in Medium. Please follow Kim on Medium and on Twitter (@kimbbellard) 

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