
Cyndy Nayer (My Blog)

Cyndy Nayer
Founder and CEO, Cyndy Nayer's Center of Health Engagement


Cyndy Nayer is is President of, and founder and former CEO of the Center for Health Value Innovation, a community of employers and payers who built evidence in value-based decision-making for sustainable health and corporate performance. Nayer is the author of Outcomes- Based Contracting, a suite of white papers on purchasing decisions that drive improved quality. Ms. Nayer also leads River City Partnership on Health, Inc., a national health strategy company and certified womanbusiness enterprise. As the former chair of the Missouri Governor’s Council on Health and Fitness, Ms. Nayer led the call to action and strategy for the Office of Women’s Health. A gerontologist, futurist and health improvement expert, Ms. Nayer speaks and writes for national media on the concepts of consumer and employer health engagement, blogs on MANAGED CARE ONLINE, CYNDYNAYER.COM and on Twitter, and she has developed worksite health strategies for Fortune 100 companies. She is the author of Leveraging Health, a handbook on value-based design, and a consumer handbook for value-based health decisions entitled, 101 Lifetips for Personal Health Management.

(My Blog)