SDOH’s Cube - Compliments of Peter Kongstvedt
By Clive Riddle, September 30, 2020
Dr. Peter Kongstvedt over a decade ago, before Social Determinants of Health rose to more recent prominence, developed an illustration of how complex and intertwined the multitude of determinants are that impact a consumers' state of health, using the famous Rubik's Cube design as model.
Peter Kongstvedt, MD, FACP is a highly regarded national authority on the health care industry with particular expertise in health insurance and managed health care, and was recently emailing with me on the topic of SDoH, and shared his graphic from the past that he told me he'd "created many, many years ago in my attempts to increase awareness of the issue, though it wasn’t called SDoH then, so I grafted that on to the slide – just for you."
I was so taken with how applicable his blast from the past was for Social Determinants of Health, that I asked for his permission to share the illustration with you, so here you go - and think about applying other current determinant items as well that are being discussed in the world of SDoH, and how complex the variables are for any individual outcome - and you'll see the Rubik's challenge in front of those on the front lines of SDoH.

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