Healthcare’s Bridge Fire
By Kim Bellard, November 17, 2020
We had a bridge fire here in Cincinnati last week. Two semis collided in the overnight hours. The collision ignited a blaze that burned at up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit and took hours to quell. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured, but the bridge remains closed while investigators determine how much damage was done. It is expected to remain closed for at least another month.
Unfortunately, the bridge in question is the Brent Spence Bridge, which is the focal point for I-71 and I-75 between Ohio and Kentucky. It normally carries over 160,000 vehicles daily, and is one of the busiest trucking routes in the U.S. Over $1 billion of freight crosses each day. There are other bridges nearby, but each requires significant detouring, and none were designed for that traffic load.
What makes this all so galling is that it has been recognized for over 25 years that the bridge has been, to quote the Federal Highway Administration, “functionally obsolete” — yet no action was taken to replace it. This most recent disaster was a disaster hiding in plain sight.
Just like, as the coronavirus pandemic has illustrated, we have in health care.
Epidemiologists had long warned of a global pandemic. The Obama Administration prepared a detailed “playbook” for such a pandemic, but, nonetheless, the Trump Administration was caught flat-footed when COVID-19 hit.
Our global, just-in-time systems for supplies was found severely wanting in the case of an exponentially spreading global pandemic, leaving healthcare workers short of essential protective gear and equipment like ventilators. Similarly, our testing efforts were botched from the beginning.
As we’ve learned, COVID-19 hits people with comorbidities hardest; as we’ve long known, the U.S. leads in world in people with chronic conditions. It has also disproportionately impacted people of color — reflected, in part, their increased likelihood of being essential workers who cannot work from home, and underlying health disparities.
Just within the past week, we’ve received promising news on vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Unfortunately, vaccine development has become politicized.
We’ve thrown trillions of dollars at COVID-19 relief, including large amounts to the healthcare system, yet hospitals claim they are losing hundreds of billions of dollars, and our already weakened system of primary care is on the verge of collapse. Burnout among healthcare workers was already a problem, but the pandemic has caused it to reach new levels, especially when many people shun basic precautionary measures like masks or social distancing.
It’s embarrassing that in the richest country in the world, 11% of the non-elderly lack health coverage. It is disturbing that 25% of Americans report that they or a family member have put off treatment for a serious medical condition in the past year due to cost — and that was before the pandemic.
All of which is to say, the pandemic is a bridge fire, all right, but it is taking place on a healthcare bridge that we’ve long known is “functionally obsolete.”
We can’t entirely avoid bridge fires, but we can design the bridges to minimize their likelihood and can ensure they are structurally sound enough to withstand them. Similarly, we can’t preclude the possibility of a pandemic, but we can have the public heath infrastructure in place for one, and a healthcare system that is robust enough to cope with one.
What we can’t do — or, rather, what we shouldn’t do — is to wait for disasters to happen and only then try to figure out what to do.
The pandemic may be healthcare’s bridge fire, but it didn’t cause our healthcare system’s shortcomings; it only helped expose them. The question is, will it spur us to do something about them?
This post is an abridged version of the original posting in Medium. Please follow Kim on Medium and on Twitter (@kimbbellard)

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