2014 TOP 10 Watchlist
By Lindsay Resnick, January 21, 2014
Here's what's on this year’s radar screen for leading healthcare companies.
- Obamacare 2.0 Robust post-enrollment learning agenda to understand which customers came into the market, who stayed out, how they shopped, what’s their mix of risk, and new competitors to look out for.
- Risk Management Millions of underserved, high-risk health care consumers with unmanaged illness entering the insurance and medical delivery systems shiny new health insurance ID cards and pent-up demand for care.
- Quality Outcomes Providers of healthcare putting skin in the game with pay-for-performance risk sharing schemes moving healthcare toward outcomes-based financing system based on quality and clinical results.
- Chronic Care Next generation care management to deal with chronic medical conditions accounting for $3 out of every $4 of the country’s $2.8 trillion health care bill and 17 million boomers turning 65 over next 5-years.
- Personal Wellness Consumers changing health attitudes and behavior to improve quality of life and find ways to reduce personal health expenditures as they are forced to take more individual healthcare responsibility.
- Connected Data Gathering, analyzing and interpreting consumer data to understand variations among market segments to develop a complete snapshot or “360° view” of customers to achieve true member engagement.
- Retail Healthcare Benefit standardization, regulatory constraints and price transparency commoditizing markets and neutralizing brands means new approaches to awareness, acquisition, activation, retention and loyalty.
- Mobile Health Always-on consumers expect any desired information or service is available on any device at a person’s moment of need; a mobile lifestyle now defines a customer’s way of connecting and interacting.
- Socialnomics Social media driven consumer communities for collaboration and communication that cut across every market segment and every aspect of the customer relationship, from sales to product to service.
- Customer Centricity It’s the new selling: engaging health insurance consumers with a superior, loyalty-based user experience; it’s guided by customer insights, cross-functional metrics, and championed by the C-Suite.
Keep a close watch on these impact trends to proactively managing change and stay ahead of your competitors.

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