Results from Health Plan Contracting e-Poll: Value Based Payment Models
By Clive Riddle, May 25, 2011
With respect to contracting opportunities, insiders say that value based and newer payment models continue to offer the most promise, analytics advances are this year’s darlings, and ACOs hold less hope.
Meanwhile, insiders think cost pressures from the economic downturn are even more of a challenge than last year, and they’re not quite as concerned about market consolidation as they were a year ago.
In conjunction with the 2011 Health Plan Contracting Web Summit, MCOL conducted an e-poll on contracting issues. Participants were asked “what are the greatest opportunities from a contracting perspective” and “what are the greatest challenges from a contracting perspective” in addition to if their organization is a provider, plan or other. These same questions were asked in conjunction with last year’s Health Plan Contracting Web Summit, allowing for comparison to last year’s results.
Here’s a summary of e-poll results for the past two years:
Greatest Opportunities |
2011 |
2010 |
Emergence of value based and newer payment models |
29.6% |
26.7% |
Advancements in analytics capabilities |
19.4% |
7.5% |
Increased covered population due to health reform |
13.9% |
17.5% |
Consumer engagement initiatives |
12.0% |
10.8% |
Advancements in electronic health records and transactions |
10.2% |
16.7% |
Formation of Accountable Care Organizations |
7.4% |
16.7% |
Potential growth in patient centered medical homes |
3.7% |
3.3% |
Other |
3.7% |
0.8% |
Total |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Greatest Challenges |
2011 |
2010 |
Cost pressures due to economic downturn |
33.3% |
28.1% |
Increased mix of government program vs. commercial covered populations |
16.7% |
14.9% |
Issues related to new health reform provisions |
15.7% |
14.1% |
Increased complexities of benefit design |
11.1% |
8.3% |
Other |
8.3% |
4.1% |
Continued market consolidation |
7.4% |
14.1% |
Consumer engagement Initiatives |
6.5% |
9.9% |
ICD-10 transition |
0.9% |
6.6% |
Total |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Here are the top two responses for 2011 broken down by type of organizational category:
Top Response |
Provider |
Emergence of value based & other applicable newer payment models (26.4%) |
Purchaser |
Emergence of value based & other applicable newer payment models (38.7%) |
Vendor/Other |
Emergence of value based & other applicable newer payment models (25%) |
2nd Highest Response |
Provider |
Advancements in analytics capabilities (24.5%) |
Purchaser |
Increased covered population due to health reform (22.6%) |
Vendor/Other |
Tie: Analytics and ACOs (20.8%) |

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