What Happens to Those Unspent Dollars Inside an HSA?
By Clive Riddle, March 11, 2011
Eric Remjeske, President, and Jon Robb, Investment Associate, at Devenir gave a presentation during this week's Tenth Annual Consumerism Web Summit, in which they addressed Health Savings Account investment options and activity, based on their 2010 Devenir HSA research report.
Here’s some of the data Eric and Jon shared with the audience:
- National HSA assets in 2010 were $9.4 billion in deposits and $0.7 billion in investments
- This is projected to grow to $50.4 billion in deposits and $10.3 billion in investments in 2015.
- 52% of HSA consumers were aware they had investment options for their HAS
- The average total balance (deposit and investment) in an HSA account was $11,635 for HSA account holders that held investment accounts
- The average yearly administration fee for HSA investment programs is $32
- In 2009 the average annual account activity broke down as follows: Personal Deposits $2,050; The average yearly administration fee for HSA investment programs is $32
- In 2009 the average annual account activity broke down as follows: Personal Deposits $2,050; Plus Employer Contributions $1,058; less Withdrawals $1,850; plus Interest Earnings $17; less Fees $33; yielding a net balance of $1,208.
- 61% of accounts in 2009 took a withdrawal of some amount

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